IntelliSense for Jasmine Stopped Working in VSCode? Here’s the Fix!
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IntelliSense for Jasmine Stopped Working in VSCode? Here’s the Fix!

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated because IntelliSense for Jasmine has stopped working in your VSCode environment. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article will guide you through a series of troubleshooting steps to get IntelliSense up and running again.

What is IntelliSense?

IntelliSense is a fantastic feature in VSCode that provides intelligent code completion, parameter info, and quick info. It’s like having a personal coding assistant that helps you write code faster and more accurately. When IntelliSense works correctly, it can significantly boost your productivity.

Why did IntelliSense for Jasmine stop working?

There are several reasons why IntelliSense for Jasmine might stop working in VSCode. Some common culprits include:

  • Outdated or corrupted extensions
  • Conflicting extensions
  • Incorrect configuration settings
  • Missing or outdated Jasmine and TypeScript versions
  • Corrupted VSCode settings or cache

Troubleshooting Steps

Fear not, dear reader! We’ll go through each potential cause and provide step-by-step solutions to get IntelliSense back on track.

Step 1: Update and Check Extensions

Make sure you have the following extensions installed and updated:

  • Jasmine Test Explorer
  • TypeScript
  • VSCode IntelliSense

Open the Extensions panel in VSCode by clicking the Extensions icon in the left sidebar or pressing Ctrl + Shift + X (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + X (Mac). Update any outdated extensions, and restart VSCode.

Step 2: Disable Conflicting Extensions

Sometimes, other extensions might interfere with IntelliSense. Try disabling extensions like:

  • TSLint
  • ESLint
  • Jest

Disable each extension one by one, restart VSCode, and check if IntelliSense is working again.

Step 3: Verify Configuration Settings

Check your VSCode configuration settings by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows/Linux or Cmd + Shift + P on Mac) and typing “Preferences: Open User Settings”.

Make sure the following settings are correct:

"javascript.validate.enable": true,
"javascript.validate.deprecated": true,
"javascript.suggestionActions.enabled": true,
"javascript.completion.enabled": true,
"javascript.format.enable": true,
"[javascript]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-server"

Save the changes and restart VSCode.

Step 4: Check Jasmine and TypeScript Versions

Ensure you have the correct versions of Jasmine and TypeScript installed:

For Jasmine:

  • Open the terminal in VSCode by pressing Ctrl + ` (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + ` (Mac)
  • Run the command npm install jasmine or yarn add jasmine

For TypeScript:

  • Run the command npm install typescript or yarn add typescript
  • Check the version by running tsc --version

Make sure you’re using compatible versions of Jasmine and TypeScript.

Step 5: Clear VSCode Cache and Settings

Sometimes, a corrupted cache or settings file can cause issues. Try clearing the cache and settings:

  • Delete the ~/.vscode directory (Windows/Linux) or ~/Library/Application Support/Code (Mac)
  • Restart VSCode and reopen your project

Step 6: Verify Jasmine Configuration

Check your Jasmine configuration file (jasmine.json or jazzmine.yml) and ensure it’s correctly configured:

  "spec_dir": "spec",
  "spec_files": ["**/*[sS]pec.js"],
  "helpers": ["helpers/**/*.js"],
  "stopSpecOnExpectationFailure": false,
  "random": false

Save the changes and restart VSCode.

Step 7: Restart and Reload

Finally, restart VSCode and reload your project:

  • Close and reopen VSCode
  • Reload your project by clicking the Reload icon in the top-right corner of the VSCode window


By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with IntelliSense for Jasmine in VSCode. Remember to stay calm, patient, and methodical in your troubleshooting approach. If you’re still experiencing issues, consider seeking help from the VSCode community or Jasmine documentation.

Bonus Tip: Optimizing VSCode for Jasmine

To get the most out of IntelliSense for Jasmine, consider the following optimization tips:

  • Use the Jasmine Test Explorer extension to run and debug your tests efficiently
  • Configure your VSCode settings to use the TypeScript language server for better IntelliSense
  • Keep your Jasmine and TypeScript versions up-to-date
  • Organize your code and tests using a consistent naming convention and folder structure
Troubleshooting Checklist
✔ Updated and checked extensions
✔ Disabled conflicting extensions
✔ Verified configuration settings
✔ Checked Jasmine and TypeScript versions
✔ Cleared VSCode cache and settings
✔ Verified Jasmine configuration
✔ Restarted and reloaded VSCode

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the issue with IntelliSense for Jasmine in VSCode and get back to writing efficient and well-tested code.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with IntelliSense for Jasmine in VSCode? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Below are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and get back to coding in no time.

Why did IntelliSense for Jasmine stop working in VSCode?

IntelliSense for Jasmine might stop working if the Jasmine extension is not properly installed or configured in VSCode. Try reinstalling the extension or checking the settings to ensure that Jasmine is selected as the testing framework.

How do I check if the Jasmine extension is properly installed?

To check if the Jasmine extension is installed, open the Extensions panel in VSCode by clicking the Extensions icon in the left sidebar or pressing `Ctrl + Shift + X` on Windows/Linux or `Cmd + Shift + X` on Mac. Search for “Jasmine” and verify that the extension is installed and enabled.

What if I’ve checked the extension and settings, but IntelliSense still doesn’t work?

Try restarting VSCode or deleting the VSCode cache. Sometimes, a simple restart or cache clear can resolve the issue. You can also try checking the VSCode console for any error messages related to Jasmine or IntelliSense.

Can I configure IntelliSense for Jasmine to work with a specific testing framework?

Yes, you can configure IntelliSense for Jasmine to work with a specific testing framework. Go to the VSCode settings (File > Preferences > Settings) and search for “jasmine.intellisense.framework”. Update the setting to match your testing framework, such as “jasmine” or “jest”.

Where can I find more resources to troubleshoot IntelliSense issues in VSCode?

For more resources and troubleshooting tips, visit the VSCode documentation on IntelliSense or the Jasmine extension’s GitHub page. You can also search for answers on Stack Overflow or the VSCode community forums.

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