VS Code Not Highlighting the Debugger Line Using AEM? Here’s the Fix!
Image by Manon - hkhazo.biz.id

VS Code Not Highlighting the Debugger Line Using AEM? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you frustrated because VS Code is not highlighting the debugger line when using AEM (Adobe Experience Manager)? You’re not alone! This issue is more common than you think, and fortunately, it’s relatively easy to resolve. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to troubleshoot and fix this problem, ensuring you can debug your AEM projects seamlessly in VS Code.

What Causes the Issue?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand why this issue occurs in the first place. There are a few common reasons why VS Code may not highlight the debugger line when using AEM:

  • Incorrect Configuration: AEM and VS Code require specific configurations to work together seamlessly. If these configurations are not set up correctly, you may encounter issues like this.
  • Missing Extensions: VS Code extensions play a crucial role in enabling debugging features. If the necessary extensions are not installed or enabled, the debugger line may not be highlighted.
  • Version Incompatibility: Using incompatible versions of AEM, VS Code, or their associated extensions can cause debugging issues, including the lack of highlighting on the debugger line.

Step-by-Step Solution

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s go through the step-by-step solution to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Check Your AEM Configuration

First, ensure that your AEM instance is correctly configured for debugging:


In the AEM instance, navigate to the /crx/de/index.jsp page and check if the Debug Mode is enabled. If it’s not, enable it and save the changes.

Step 2: Install and Configure the Required Extensions

Next, make sure you have the necessary VS Code extensions installed and configured:

  1. AEM Developer Tools: Install the AEM Developer Tools extension for VS Code using the following command:
  2.   ext install aem-developer-tools
  3. Debugger for AEM: Install the Debugger for AEM extension using the following command:
  4.   ext install debugger-for-aem
  5. AEM Project Settings: Create a new AEM project in VS Code by clicking on File > New Folder and then selecting AEM Project as the project type. This will create the necessary project structure and configuration files.

Step 3: Configure the Launch Configuration

Now, let’s configure the launch configuration to enable debugging:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "aem",
      "name": "AEM Debug",
      "request": "launch",
      "url": "http://localhost:4502",
      "aemServer": "localhost",
      "aemPort": 4502,
      "aemUsername": "admin",
      "aemPassword": "admin"

In the above configuration, replace the placeholders with your AEM instance details. Save the changes to the launch.json file.

Step 4: Set Breakpoints and Start Debugging

Finally, let’s set breakpoints and start debugging:

  1. Open Your AEM Project: Open your AEM project in VS Code.
  2. Set Breakpoints: Set breakpoints in your code by clicking on the line number in the editor.
  3. Start Debugging: Press F5 or click on the Run Code button to start debugging. VS Code will launch the AEM instance and attach the debugger.
  4. Verify Debugger Line Highlighting: If everything is set up correctly, VS Code should highlight the debugger line when you hit a breakpoint.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve followed the steps above and still encounter issues with the debugger line highlighting, try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check AEM Logs: Verify the AEM logs for any error messages related to debugging. You can find the logs in the <AEM_INSTANCE>/crx-quickstart/logs directory.
  • Validate Launch Configuration: Double-check your launch configuration to ensure it’s correctly set up and saved.
  • Restart VS Code and AEM: Sometimes, a simple restart of VS Code and AEM can resolve connectivity issues.
  • Check for Extension Updates: Ensure that your VS Code extensions are up-to-date, as outdated extensions can cause compatibility issues.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue of VS Code not highlighting the debugger line when using AEM. Remember to double-check your configurations, install the necessary extensions, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Happy debugging!

VS Code Version AEM Version Debugger for AEM Version
1.54.3 6.5.7 1.2.0

In this article, we’ve used the following versions of VS Code, AEM, and the Debugger for AEM extension. Ensure you’re using compatible versions to avoid any issues.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on troubleshooting VS Code debugging issues with AEM!

Why is VS Code not highlighting the debugger line when I’m using AEM?

This might be due to a configuration issue. Check if your launch.json file is set up correctly. Make sure the “program” attribute points to the correct AEM instance, and the “stopOnEntry” attribute is set to true. Also, ensure that your breakpoints are enabled and the debugger is attached to the correct process.

I’ve checked my launch.json file, but VS Code still won’t highlight the debugger line. What’s next?

Time to dig deeper! Verify that your AEM instance is running in debug mode. You can do this by adding the ‘-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=localhost:8000’ argument to your AEM startup command. Then, restart your AEM instance and try debugging again.

I’m using a Unix-based system, and VS Code is still not highlighting the debugger line. Help!

Don’t worry, Unix fans! This might be due to a permission issue. Try running VS Code with elevated privileges using the ‘sudo’ command. This should allow the debugger to attach to the AEM process correctly.

I’ve tried all the above, but VS Code still refuses to highlight the debugger line. What’s the last resort?

Okay, let’s get drastic! Try deleting the VS Code settings and launch.json files, then restart VS Code. This will reset your debugging configuration, and you can start from scratch. If this still doesn’t work, consider reaching out to the VS Code or AEM community for further assistance.

Are there any other tips and tricks to keep in mind when using VS Code with AEM?

You bet! Make sure you’re using the latest versions of VS Code and the AEM extension. Also, consider using the ‘Java Debug’ extension to simplify your debugging experience. Finally, keep an eye on the VS Code and AEM console output for any error messages that might indicate the root cause of your issue.